• C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 27  info@puntdereferencia.org
  • C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 28


Punt de Referència celebrates its 18 years of existence accompanying young people when they reach the legal age of majority (18).

The Referents Project grows to almost 60 couples per year and its systematization is improved. For this reason, the “Manual of implementation of a mentoring program: the Referents project” is written; we offer training and advice to launch new mentoring projects in other entities, such as Fundació Comtal in Barcelona, ​​Fundació Natzaret de Mallorca, Igaxes of Galicia, Vasija de Guadalajara Association and Ilundain Foundation of Navarra.