The social and solidarity economy is committed to offering job opportunities to youth previously under guardianship

Houssaine and Abdelaziz are two young people who have one thing in common: they have been living in Catalonia for more than three years and are in an irregular administrative situation. They have been given training and looking for a job that will allow them to settle here. The good news is that they will soon be able to do it:


The Cooperativa A Granel and the l‘Economat Social (Queviure) will hire these two young people for at least one year. The two organisations wanted to coordinate with Punt de Referència to contribute their grain of sand towards the problem of which they were already aware: the difficulty of many young people to regularize their administrative situation and, therefore, to continue on their way. towards full emancipation. In addition to allowing them to regularize their situation, the working environment of the two cooperatives means, for Abdelaziz and Houssaine, being part of a friendly and inclusive work environment.


Several organisations applied to ACOL’s grant call, from the Generalitat’s Work and Training program. This program aims to regularize the situation of people who have been living in Catalonia for more than 3 years, through a one-year employment contract, which also includes training hours. The proposal presented was to hire a young person from Punt de Referència who is facing these bureaucratic difficulties. At the same time, we started looking for young people who matched the job profile that was requested and the relevant interviews were conducted.

Maresme Fundation, a third sector entity, has also had the opportunity to generate a job offer for a young person from Punt de Referència, applying to the same call. Today, we celebrate that all three companies have received a favorable decision and that the three young people will soon start working and training in these companies linked to the social economy.

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