• C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 27  info@puntdereferencia.org
  • C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 28

Som Llavor

Youngsters for Rights

With the Som Llavor (meens We are Seeds) project, we are advancing the recognition of young people as rights-holders, capable of generating awareness and impact at the community level through social participation. We also promote healthy forms of leisure, accessing culture, and exercising the right to form part of the community.

Young people meet weekly in a horizontal space of mutual support and expression that allows them to share their concerns and experiences and learn more about their political and social reality, thus encouraging critical thinking and group cohesion. Som Llavor makes it easier for these thoughts to come into contact with art, through participation in cultural events and, finally, to take shape through audiovisual expression.

As a result of the first edition of the project, the group created this video in which they talk about the racism suffered by migrants, and they describe racist situations that have affected them personally.

In the second edition of the project, the group has made this short film where they gather reflections, anxieties and dreams that affect them in relation to work, housing and support networks. In essence, it talks about the basic human rights dreamed of and sought by this group.

In both editions these young persons have actively participated in the preparation and production of the audiovisual materials. In this, they have been assisted by the Talaia Communication Agency that has played a very important role in supporting and energizing the group, as well as in the editing of the final videos.