• C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 27  info@puntdereferencia.org
  • C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 28

Llars El Pas

Housing for young people moving toward full emancipation

Llars El Pas is a project in its pilot phase that provides young people with an option for long-term housing. It is offered to persons who have already finished their stay in the Acull or Pisos Assistits [Assisted Apartments] projects but who still haven’t been able to access apartments through the regular housing market.

To this end, we provide continuity for young people, aged 19-25, during their process toward full autonomy. The years of co-living at Llars El Pas are key for them to be able to consolidate their road to emancipation: finishing their studies, obtaining a stable job, learning to take care of the home and themselves, and expanding their support network.

The new project is therefore for young people who are at the end of their emancipation process and who in this phase can also rely on the socio-educational support from Punt de Referència.


Shared flats

We have 11 living spaces in three flats where young people can live while consolidating their autonomy and their home care habits, and thus complete their emancipation process. Their stay can last up to 3 years during which time they benefit from professional monitoring (though less intense than that provided in the Assisted Apartments Project) provided by Punt de Referència. The homes are managed by the Mambré Foundation, with whom we collaborate for guaranteeing a future for young people no longer under tutelage.


Cooperative housing

We are committed to bringing young people into a housing model that allows them to be part of a self-organized community of neighbors and involved in community life, thanks to an agreement with the Civic Roof Cooperative.  Through this collaboration, the Cooperative has allocated one of the living spaces in its building for people at risk of exclusion, leading in 2021 to two young people from Punt de Referència leasing a flat in the co-living building called La Balma in the Poblenou neighborhood. The following year we expanded our commitment to this model and two more young people moved into a cooperative housing space in the neighborhood of Sants.